Tribe Talk

Tribe Talk

Hosted by: Rock Hobbs + The Transformation Team

The official podcast of Transformation Ministries in Birmingham, Alabama— Four core values, four words, guide the conversation: 🔥 Encounter = God’s presence + power in a way that marks you 🔥 Experience =...

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Divine connection and Nati's testimony

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Rather than micro-managing grown kids, give God room to work

We’ve been talking about how to “father” and “mother” grown children— especially when they’ve chosen a different spiritual path than you. (Sometimes, we refer to them as prodigals.) Remember, you can’t control the...
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Sometimes, you must allow grown children to pursue their own path

In the previous episode of Tribe Talk we discussed the (sometimes awkward) transition from parenting “children” to mothering and fathering “adults” who still live in your home— and come back. Particularly when they...
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You can’t control your adult kids, but you can control your castle

Handling your grown kids is difficult anyway. That is, making the transition from “parenting” them when they're young to “mothering” and “fathering” them when they’re officially adults— and living in home— brings...
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Giving Tuesday

In this special bonus episode of the Tribe Talk podcast, we discuss Giving Tuesday. What is it? Well… 🦃 Thanksgiving Thursday is the day we gather with friends & family to celebrate. 🤑 Black Friday is the day we...
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God always trades-up (w/ Michelle Bounds)

We asked Michelle to tell us her story— about how she came from wherever she was to Transformation Ministries (first of all) and then how she became the School Adminstrator (second of all). That question took, well… a...
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To you, then through you (w/ Michelle Bounds)

In this episode of Tribe Talk, Michelle talks about the School of Ministry, and outlines the four course framework of the Inner Healing track.  She walks us through: 🏛 Inner Healing (course 1) 🏛 Liberty (course 2) 🏛...
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There’s So Much More (w/ Jeff Dolce)

Jeff and I began talking about emotional health— and how it’s not a “yes” or “no” / healthy or unhealthy thing… … but, rather, how we can be on a “sliding scale,” that is, we don’t want to just walk out of “bad...
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Rebels and Rule-Keepers Both Need Jesus (w/ Jeff Dolce)

Dr. Jeff Dolce reminds me of King David— who led with skill and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 78:72), such that both were important. Full disclosure: I met Jeff several years ago, when I was walking...
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Healed People Heal People (w/ Patti Grace)

Patti Grace continues discussing how to heal the un-healed hurts of your past, so that you can find and fulfill the purpose God has for you. Here’s why this matters: 👉 in Christ, your salvation is secure. You’ll go to...
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How to Heal Un-healed Hurts (w/ Patti Grace)

Trials, difficult seasons, hard roads, rocky paths, whatever you want to call them… they can make you bitter OR they can make you better. You get to decide. On one hand, we become HARD and become unapproachable. Maybe...
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7 Giants You Must Slay

Agape is the word that describes the “God kind” of love. It’s unconditional. It has no strings attached. It loves “no matter what.” The word appears 228 times in the New Testament. Agape is what we want-- it's the...
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