7 Giants You Must Slay

Agape is the word that describes the “God kind” of love. It’s unconditional. It has no strings attached. It loves “no matter what.”

The word appears 228 times in the New Testament.

Agape is what we want-- it's the love of God that He wants to flow through us and then allow us to pass to others.


Eros is another kind of love. It’s often interpreted as sexual love— is more accurately desired as selfish love, and pictured as a snake eating its tail.

This kind of love “loves” as long as the outcome meets my needs…

Eros keeps us from experiencing the "God kind of love." And it hinders us from passing agape to the people around us.


It’s easy to look at others and see how THEY lack agape (and live more from eros). However, the one we really need to evaluate is the one in the mirror.

(That's the only person we can really do anything about, isn't it?)

Remember, we don’t look at our faults and flaws in order to walk in shame; we look at those pain points so we can heal them— and overcome.


In this talk we discuss seven giants of eros love, that is seven villains we must slay in order to walk in the promise and purpose God has for us. And, note: though we’re susceptible to all of them, we likely fall prey to 2-3 as our “go to” rivals.

Here are the seven…



➡️ Giant #1 = Look Good

This one is all about appearances and accolades.

➡️ Giant #2 = Feel Good

You could understand this giant as the “pleasure principle” or living for the gratification of the “soul man” rather than the “spirit man.”

Here, we often find addiction(s) and co-dependent tendencies.

➡️ Giant #3 = Be Right

Can’t admit we’re wrong.

Here’s why: Shame

Usually we’re hiding that we feel flawed, that we have a fractured self image. So, we over-correct the issue.

➡️ Giant #4 = Stay in Control

This result is that we’re always tired, worried, over-extended…

➡️ Giant #5 = Have a Hidden Agenda

Need to align the soul and the spirit…

➡️ Giant #6 = Take Personal Advantage

Easily falls apart, because no real love.

➡️ Giant #7 = Remain Undisturbed

Not a blatant sin, just not all in…

Can’t totally commit and give.


Again, though we’re susceptible to all of them, we likely fall prey to 2-3 as our “go to” rivals.


This talk is based on lesson 1 in The Inner Healing course. Go to www.TRMinistries.org/IH for more info.

Agape Road, Bob Mumford = https://amzn.to/3LqiR3r