The Real Top Gun + Tribe Talk

Welcome to Tribe Talk, the official podcast of Transformation Ministries in Birmingham, Alabama.

We do three things—

✅ Individual & family counseling

✅ School of Ministry

✅ Prayer Ministry

(And there’s a fourth thing on the way!)


In the first episode we go back to the beginning of Rock’s story, so we can answer the question, “Why?”

That is, “Why does this thing called Transformation even exist?”

And that takes us back through several twists and turns, solid chapters of Rock’s life and not so solid ones…

… all showing that God DOES, indeed, have a plan for each of us (see Ephesians 2:8-10), that He emphatically DOES take all things and work them together for the good (Romans 8:28f.), and that nothing separates us from His love (Romans 8:38f.).


The title of this talk?

Just a nod to one of the chapters in Rock’s life— that chapter when we WAS the Air Force’s official Top Gun.

Yeah, it’s true…



Links mentioned in this tribe talk =

👉 The new Unshackled study = 

👉 The free video Andy referenced = 

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